Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Shopping Guide - Do not do this

First - do not buy in the spur of the moment.

Always plan what you want to buy. Check the prices. Resist any attempt to buy even though you were dumstruck with the beauty sleek design and all the wonders that thing could do for you. Happened to me when I was at Jeddah airport in the last days of Ramadhan en route to Madinah. Set my eyes on Sony latest digital camera - T11 at the duty free counter. Like the design and the features so much that I was willing to part RM2,600 for it without thinking twice. I was so convinced that I got good bargain for it.

To my horror, I found that the same camera is being sold for much RM1,799 at Sungei Wang Plaza. My Wife gonna kill me for this.

Second - never bring your friends - the types that were more than willing to make sure that you would spend your money.

Again, happened to me this afternoon. Met some friends for lunch since today is my 'raya day' after having completed my posa nam. During the lunch talked about buying a Bluetooth enabled phone. Guess what? They then drove me to Sungei Wang Plaza and after about an hour going around the telephone booths there, I ended buying this new Moto. Must admit that the saleswoman was impressive with her knowledge in the minute details of the phone unlike some other salespersons. Gonna spend the whole nite tonight to read the manual.
Now I got this HS820 Gigibiru. Bounce

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