Sunday, September 12, 2004

Budget 2005

Pak Lah had revealed his first budget for the first time as the Prime Minister and Finance Minister on 10th September 2004.

As expected, smokers willl have to dig deeper into their pockets to sustain their habit. The tax have been announced to increase almost 40% per pack of 20 sticks. I am not a smoker but I found it interesting to note some of the reactions from the die hard smokers on the tax raise.

The Star on 11th September 2004 reported that many smokers interviewed would still continue smoking despite the increase. One male smoker said he would not quit smoking but will cut down on smoking [sounded too familiar?]. Another male interviewee said the increase would not stop him from smoking but he might opt for cheaper brands [again, had heard this somewhere before].

A female 21-year old college student said she would stop smoking if the price goes up to RM6.00 per pack. She said, health reasons are secondary to her. Her coursemate of 19 years old offerred an easy way out - she would be asking for extra pocket money from her parents!. Hmm.....clever girl.


Sometimes when someone asked me why I did not smoke, jokingly I would tell him that I forgot to learn it when I was in school. Yes, those schooling years were the most critical time. It's also the time when peer pressure to smoke were at its peak.

I know how difficult it was then. I studied in an all boys' boarding school where smoking was the "in-thing". It's a symbol of the coming-of-age, macho, bravery, seniority and rebel etc. I would say 80 - 85% of my batch smoked - and most of them still are.

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