Thursday, September 02, 2004

Anwar is freed!

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillha. Allahu Akbar

Thank You Allah, Thank You Allah, Thank You Allah. Allah is the greatest.

Yess! It is confirmed, it's official and it's not a cruel joke.

The Federal Court has finally redeemed itself and the judiciary in general when it allowed the appeal from Anwar on his conviction and sentence on sodomy charges.

I was expecting the verdict to be delivered during my meeting this morning and I knew the proceedings at the Federal Court has ended when SMSes and calls flooded my handphone. Luckily the phone was put on silent mode.

When one of the officer from my client's office who was sitting next to me showed the SMS that he had received, I could only managed to say Alhamdulillah and hope that it's not a bad joke. I know rumours have been circulating around since last few days that Anwar would be freed. I told myself not to be too gullible to believe until I could re-confirm with some other friends.

My sister called to confirm the news when I was driving back to office. Told her to wait 'till I check from Malaysiakini's website. Could not log into their website but managed to get confirmation from a news piece from BERNAMA's website. Some friends also e-mailed news from Bloomberg and Reuters.

So thank You God, You have answered our prayers. I just could not thank you enough. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

I am so happy that I could not construct a proper sentence. I am so delighted that I wanted to cry. I am happy for Anwar, I am happy for his family.

More importantly, I am very happy that the Court has finally have the courage to CORRECT what is WRONG and showed that all is not lost in the Malaysian Judiciary.


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