Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Can you guess what "Pindai" is?

Clue - its a malay word. And I just discovered that there is such Malay word when I went to Low Yat Plaza with a friend today.

Both of us were heavily bogged down with works but just too lazy to continue and too tired to finish them. Needing a break, I called Y, he told me he was bored and was reading newspaper to kill off his time. Fetched him and off we went to Low Yat. Spent more than two hours at one particular computer shop. I bought a new sleek looking rectractable mouse for RM35.00 while my friend bought the similar mouse together with other stuffs.

It was while browsing there I saw these words "Cetak, Salin dan Pindai" written on a photo printer box. Curious, I checked the English version - it says, "Print, Copy and Scan".

Fuh, lucky I do not need to take any Bahasa exams anymore.

P/s: My kids sure gonna love me more today. I bought them new cartoon DVDs.

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