Monday, January 31, 2005

Monday Blues

No, I'm not talking about my Monday blues.

It seemed that my daughter was having problem getting up for school every Monday since she started her formal primary education. I found that she could get extremely difficult to wake up and to a certain extent, protested when I tried to wake he up for school on Monday morning.

This morning was no exception. She even cried when I carried her to the bathroom after all the coaxing and pujuk rayu did not work. But father has to do what father has to do. I poured on her with two gayung(s) of water.

"You don't want to brush your teeth, fine. But I'm still sending you to school".

Wife helped her with the school uniform and I sent her off to school. She was quiet all the way to school and I just put on my 'serious - no nonsense' face. Tak nak bagi can. But once we reached the school compound, suddenly just in a split second, she just changed to her real cheerful self. She salam(ed) with me, kissed my hand and pull her trolley bag towards her classroom - just like that - as if nothing happened at home 30 minutes ago.

Terasa macam buang karan aje pujuk rayu pagi tadi.

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